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1. What are the shipping costs and times?

All products available on the site will be available for shipping in a period between 2 and 5 weeks, the dates indicated on each individual product sheet are valid

Delivery costs are always free, Sicily and Sardinia included (excluding smaller islands)

Orders will be processed, fulfilled and delivered from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays and national holidays. During the Christmas holidays (from 20 December to 8 January) and during the month of August, order management times may be subject to slight delays which will be specified in advance on the home page of the site and/or through contact from our Customer care.

COVID-19 - information on shipments during the Emergency

Following the provisions of the Italian Government relating to Covid-19, delivery times may be delayed by 3-4 working days more than the usual timing.

Furthermore, in order to limit risks, shipments may be delivered without any signature requirement.

2. When will my order be shipped?

Your order will be processed only after regular payment registration. When the order is processed, you will receive a confirmation message.

In the event of a fortuitous event or force majeure that prevents or delays its execution, we undertake to inform you within 10 days of its occurrence. In the event that the order remains suspended for more than 31 days, you will have the possibility to cancel the order placed and be refunded for the amounts already paid.

3. How will my order be shipped?

All orders are shipped via street level courier to the number indicated in the delivery address, signature is required upon delivery.

No delivery method involves assembly of the product or porterage for transport to the floor.

We recommend checking the integrity of the packages at the time of delivery by adding the words "SUBJECT TO INSPECTION FOR DAMAGED PACKAGING", if you notice obvious damage to the packaging.

Objections without this statement will not be accepted

For information on delivery methods and times agreed with the courier, contact our Customer Service. Under no circumstances does the delivery include assembling the product or lifting it to the customer's floor level.


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